Author: Zach Rogers

Wide Receivers: Can The Star-Predictor Score (SPS) Help Predict NFL Success?

For the 50th part in our “Does It Matter?” series, we examined whether the model we’ve developed — thanks in large part to the constructive feedback from our viewers over the past year — can reliably predict future success in the NFL for Wide Receivers. This model, known as the Star-Predictor Score (SPS), Currently has […]

Can College ADOT Predict Quarterbacks’ NFL Success?

In part 49 of our “Does It Matter?” series, we looked to find whether a quarterback’s college career Average Depth of Target (ADOT) can predict their NFL success. By analyzing data from the top 30 NFL finishers since 2013, we found whether there is a correlation between college ADOT and NFL success, specifically within the […]

Quarterback College Completion Percentage: Does It Matter? A Comprehensive Analysis

In part 48 of our “Does It Matter?” series, we looked into Quarterback college completion percentages to see if it can predict their NFL success. We had great results with standard statistical methods and applied our optimal range to the 2024 and 2025 NFL Draft class. Here’s everything that our number-crunching prevailed: Methodology Our study […]

Quarterback College Sack Rate: Does It Matter? A Comprehensive Analysis

For the 47th installment of the “Does It Matter?” series, we looked into quarterback college sack rates. The objective was to see if sack rate percentages were consistently predictive of either high or low fantasy finishes. From this research, we found an optimal sack percentage range that occurred at a higher rate, and applied it […]

Running Back College Yards Per Carry (YPC): Does It Matter? A Comprehensive Analysis

For part 46 of our “Does It Matter?” series, we investigated whether a Running Back’s college yards per carry (YPC) can predict their NFL success. We found an optimal range where an increased rate in the top 10 occurs and applied standard statistical methods. Here are all of our findings: Methodology We gathered data on […]

Wide Receiver College Yards Per Route Run: Does It Matter? A Comprehensive Analysis

In the 45th Part of our “Does It Matter?” series, we dove into the statistical relationship between a wide receiver’s college yards per route run (Y/RR) and their success in the NFL. By using data since 2018, we found an optimal range for Y/RR and applied it to the 2024 NFL Rookie WR class. This […]