Category: Data & Analytics Research

NFL Quarterbacks: Does Hand Size Matter? A Comprehensive Analysis

In the latest installment of our “Does It Matter?” series we dove deep into the analytics of NFL quarterbacks to verify a theory or prove it to be a myth: Does hand size truly matter for a quarterback’s performance? After rigorous number-crunching, we are excited to report that our research has revealed an extremely eye-opening […]

NFL Quarterbacks: Does Height Matter? A Comprehensive Analysis

In following up on our comprehensive examination of NFL quarterbacks’ weight and if that effects performance, we’ve now turned our focus towards another QB topic: Does a quarterback’s height influence their success on the field? Building on the groundwork laid out in the first part of our QB series, this segment also focuses on the […]

NFL Quarterbacks: Does Weight Matter? A Comprehensive Analysis

One topic in Fantasy Football which we wanted to dive into is whether there is a trend in the top QB’s sizes. So, does size matter? To shed light on this topic, we conducted a market research study focusing on the top 30 fantasy football scoring quarterbacks from 2003 to 2023. Then we further honed […]